Testing Materials
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I received a catalog today that offers, among other things, some applicant screening tools.
We have never tested applicants here, though we have frequently talked about it. This company is offerring 4 types of tests (general skills, potential, risk, and clerical). Do you guys find tests helpful in finding good employees? Do you use tests like these, or do you make up your own?
If you use purchased tests, would you find any of these helpful and would you recommend these types of tests? How much do you typically pay?
We have never tested applicants here, though we have frequently talked about it. This company is offerring 4 types of tests (general skills, potential, risk, and clerical). Do you guys find tests helpful in finding good employees? Do you use tests like these, or do you make up your own?
If you use purchased tests, would you find any of these helpful and would you recommend these types of tests? How much do you typically pay?
As for skills, we use is a basic math test for our clerical positions. Again, it simply helps eliminate those with little or no math skills, which is necessary in those positions. No cost for this as it is a test we created from actual job duties.
We also use a fairly extensive set for our sales employees. Part of this is kind of a personality thing that shows how their personality fits into the sales area, and part of it shows actual knowledge of sales skills. This costs about $100 for each one I run, but I believe it is well worth it. It is very costly to hire a fully-commissioned sales person that does not work out, since they are on salary until they work into that full-commission.
We do not use one vendor, but have many vendors depending on the type of test that is being administered. We have used Adecco and Kelly Services for clerical testing. I am not sure of the vendor used for the IT tests, but we use the WOLF Test to measure logic, etc. For some tests, such as behavioral tests for HR applicants, we administer the test, but do not grade it. Hope this helps!