Take Your Child to Work Day

"Take your child to work Day" is coming up soon and we have elected to participate as an organization. We are wondering if we should have our employees who will bringing their child sign a consent form and also then attach a "permission" type form for the child to bring to his/her school. I know other employers do this. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on the matter? Thanks.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Although we do not participate in this event at my current employer (THANK GOODNESS!!!) I have in the past. The sponsors of "TYCTWD" offer a kit which has a permission slip form in it. By having the student get it signed off, the teacher will know that the student was learning albeit in a different environment other than the classroom.
  • We've participated the last 3 years. We don't require any kind of consent form or permission form. Some of the schools require the kid to write a report or provide a completed interview form (the kid interviews an employee) to "prove" they were there and learned something. But as the employer - it's up to the parent and kid to square it with the school and we've had no problems.

    Also, we limit it to ages 8 to 12, and also limit the time period from 9 to 11:30. Committee of employees plan it and administer the events. It's focused, fun and our employees like it.
  • we provide certification that the child participated...most schools will count the day out as unexcused if it's not verified that the kid was participating in something educational. Further, many schools in the area will to release a student to "hang out" at mom's work...it has to be a program set up by the company.

    So we've developed a program for the last 5 years or so...different theme every year...kids tour the building and play on some PC's...have lunch...we are careful about what the kids see though...confidential information is everywhere...so the program allows us to determine exactly what of our business is available and what is not.
  • I would think the same as you, but our parents tell me that the schools around here will accept almost anything from the parent to excuse the kid from school. In fact, employees have taken their kids out of school for trips to Florida and other places and able to get it excused by writing that some portion of it was "educational". Not sure why that is; you'd think they'd be stricter than that...x:-/
  • We have the parents sign a consent form which includes they are responsible for their children, they must supervise their children all day (once we had wandering children and it was a nightmare) and that the children must understand the confidential nature of their parents work. We start with munchkins and juice, a welcome from Senior Management and video (new ads, etc.) We use to ask them to write a summary of their experience and then had a drawing of a Savings Bond (gave up after one child wrote an expose of her overworked, underpaid, unappreciated, etc. mother).
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