What would you charge?

I just received a court order to provide an ex-employee's entire file in order to pursue a Worker's Comp claim against another company. I wanted to get a consensus as to what the Forum folks would charge the attorneys per copy. Thanks a bunch.
I wish that I and my staff of 1 other had the time to stay on top of all the documents that come in. Reality tells me that one does not need to shoot one's on foot by looking where one is aiming; a final careful look at the file to make sure you are sending what should be sent and not anything else is a wise thing to do.
Charging, based on your last post does not seem to be a great challenge. Some have perfect record keeping and the high speed copiers of today will allow for less than 10 minutes of time, just pull the stack of papers out and without further effort "let it rip"!
May you and all of have a Blessed day.
I like the $1 per page idea. I will definitely put that idea to use in the future.
We don't charge to provide copies under legal order, as it's considered a cost of doing business and my time in so doing is just part of the job. (I'm a one person personnel department.)