Mandatory Wellness Physicals

Hi Folks ~

I am wondering what your take is on an employer requiring that an employee participate in a wellness program that includes blood pressure check, blood profile (lipids, glucose, etc), and a BMI, Body Mass Index. I am also wondering if an employer can mandate that employees participate how does HIPAA come into play?



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We do it. We provide a private location for the screenings and we only get aggregate data. Our TPA does the screenings, so we already have the HIPAA thing covered with them.

    In reality we do not require them to do it. But, if they don't they pay more for their insurance.

    BTW, the screening is free and on company time and now we also do the same thing for their spouse if they are on our plan. No screening or physical, they pay more.

    Send me an email if you want more info. There's too much to cover here.
  • We do Wellness Physicals but they are voluntary. However, if an employee participates he/she can earn up to $40 per month in "Wellness Money". We do not do the screenings on spouses. S.Mace, I would be interested in more info on how your screenings. My e-mail address is [email][/email]. Fax (843) 443-8227. Thanks!
  • We have a local pathology lab come out every six months and draw blood from any ee that wants to participate. The lab conducts a very comprehensive battery of tests and there is no cost to our ee's. However this as well as flu shots is all voluntary.

  • Could you also send me more information about your wellness program?
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