I do feel better and thanks to one of my Forum Friends I found a great web site. Tonight I'll use that biscuit to sop up the last of the crock pot roast juice right before consuming mass quantities of my favorite beer, Icehouse.
How would you like to be me and write that AAP, start to finish? Wanna' share that web site with another Forum Friend? Icehouse? Think I'll have a cranberry Smirnoff Ice. Thanks for the idea.
Here's a new wrinkle in the AAP world. A few years ago the OFCCP announced that they would be sending AAP surveys to the contractors and subcontractors. The last time I looked at their website there was a lot of information about the surveys, but until recently I hadn't seen one. One arrived at a client a couple of months ago. In addition to the analysis section, which is the same as in the AAP, there is a section pertaining to compensation. The form asks for the salary range by job group, race and sex, the average salary broken down the same way and average tenure using the same breakdown.
No, it isn't. It is an additional requirement. The work force analysis stuff is the same, the salary (in the form that it requests) and tenure information is new. You should check out their website.
Get a bite to eat.........and push it around with a biscuit.
Safety, you ignored Sam's request.