Training requirements?

Is there a quick and easy place to reference all the regulatory requirements for training employees to be sure we are compliant?

For instance, what are all the topics that are required to be reviewed annually? Sexual Harassment, Workplace Violence, Fire Safety, Bloodborne Pathogens, etc.

Also, where can I get the scoop on proper documentation of our training efforts? Are certificates of completion required? If so, how long must they be kept? Are the credentials of the instructor required to be noted? My questions seem endless!

I overhear so much stuff that we "have to do" in HR to be compliant, I'd love to be able to easily determine the "truth" of some requirements, ya know? And exactly who is requiring them (i.e. OSHA, or?)

Any help would be much appreciated! x:-)


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • If we know what type of facility you are, it would help. For instance, if manufacturing, I would recommend covering things like lock out/tag out, GMPs, etc. Some more information will get you responses that are applicable to your industry.
  • I'm sorry for not giving enough information... I guess I was especially looking for those annual requirements that would apply to all industries -- like Sexual Harassment.

    Anyway, we're a hospice care agency, providing care to the terminally ill in their own homes. Many healthcare regs will apply, but not all, like the ones relating to facilities.

    Another thing I was especially wanting to know is training documentation requirements. For instance, do you have to have a printed certificate of completion for each and every training for personnel files? If so, who's requiring it?
  • Some types of training must absolutely be documented. For example, and this might not apply to you; forklift safety, bloodborne pathogens training, acknowledgement of material safety data program, annual audiometric testing and pulmonary function/respirator fit training must be documented and on file. Some things that the government does not require documentation on are sexual harassment, orientation, routine safety training, interviewing skills, training that you might hold for your supervisory staff on things like how to interview. Your company, however, will want a record of those. Certificates are rarely required by the government but are nice to receive. OSHA is the chief agency that has training and documentation requirements. I would think bloodborne pathogens training would apply to hospice and that does require certain protocol.

    As was said by another, depending on your industry, your state requirements and your corporate policy, you may have types of annual or refresher training that you must do. I suggest you always have a sign-in roster to pass around during ANY training you have, no matter what it is. That forever verifies who was there and what the content was. It can be invaluble in disciplinary action and even unemployment insurance hearings.

    For a good place to start, contact whatever state agency(ies) regulate and certify hospice in your state and they will help you with this.
  • A lot of that depends on your industry. Some of it is required regardless of industry, like Sexual Harassment for instance. For starters, contact your liability carrier. Many times they'll provide the training for free. At least they can advise you. You can probably visit an OSHA website to get a list of industry training.

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