Bathroom Problems

That heading probably got someone's attention! We have an ongoing issue with ladies disposing of feminine hygeine products in the commode, which after a while causes a major plumbing issue by stopping up the commode.
It happened again yesterday and the building management for our leased office space informed us from now on, we pay the plumber (that seems fair and justified to me!).
Well, of course, the problem is, how can I address this. We have about 200 employees, not all located on the floor where this occurs and probably 75% of our employees are female, so finding out who is doing this seems to be impossible. We have posted signs in the ladies rooms on each floor to dispose of these products properly and not flush.
I am at a loss for how to proceed.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thank you so much.
It happened again yesterday and the building management for our leased office space informed us from now on, we pay the plumber (that seems fair and justified to me!).
Well, of course, the problem is, how can I address this. We have about 200 employees, not all located on the floor where this occurs and probably 75% of our employees are female, so finding out who is doing this seems to be impossible. We have posted signs in the ladies rooms on each floor to dispose of these products properly and not flush.
I am at a loss for how to proceed.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Thank you so much.
This one ranks right up there with the fecal artists and what steps can be taken to deal with them.
I'm probably just lucky, but personally that toilet seat up or down thing just hasn't ever bothered me, if it's not down, I just put it down and take care of business!
Honey Bear, in plain English, you have no idea how the female mind functions and I doubt you ever will. Men are not equipped with that kind of ability.
>02-10-05 AT 02:43 PM (CST)[/font]
>I tried hard to come up with an appropriate
>retort; but, all I can say in response to your
>comment to me is "You are right". x:-)
Don: What about "yes, dear!"
Now, at our plant we have people who just seem to "miss" the toilet. How that happens, I don't know. The entrances to the restrooms used to be wide open (you walk around the corner to enter the bathroom) but now our maintenance department has installed door jambs and doors. Once the problem occurs again the locks go on and the doors shut. Anyone wanting to use the restroom will have to request the key from their supervisor.
The bathroom is the worst offender by far with everything you can imagine and more!
The kitchen is a close second with stuff spilt all over the counter, coffee pots left to burn in the burner because the last person is too lazy to make another pot and, after all, there is still a thimbleful in the pot! Not to mention the scummy "experiments gone wild" coffee mugs left in the kitchen sink for "mommie" to wash.
Ugh! I wash out my mug and keep it in my office.
I know, I know, I expect to get a lot of criticism. But that is the other side!
No, I don't expect the men to weigh in on this. They don't have the proper perspective!
Ask me and I'll tell you.
As to the nasty co-workers, I think a simple lined, covered trash recepticle in each stall should help. Keep them emptied and clean though because who wants to touch it if it's not?
Cheryl C.
At a previous employer, we had this problem, even much much worse than you describe. We tried everything, from the trashcans in the stalls to postings in both english and spanish in case the message was not getting through.
We finally reached a breaking point, and had to take extreme measures. The bathrooms were kept locked at all times, and a supervisor or manager had to escort people to the bathroom to unlock it. The manager inspected the bathroom before it was used, and after it was used. Golly, what a lot of fun for the managers. This lasted four days, we stopped the policy (after everyone had a chance to get really really upset about it) and never had another problem.
A juvenile-type solution to a juvenile problem.
We have and always have had stainless steel trash disposal boxes bolted to each stall. There are signs on the back of each stall door so that when you are in the stall, with the door closed, you have to see them to remind you to dispose of these products as appropriate.
I love this last idea about locking the door and inspecting before and after!!!!! Though I don't want that duty unless I can also have a rubber hammer to use to really get the point home.
Thanks to all of you for your always dependable help.
As someone said earlier, there are at least a half dozen alternatives to flushing. At least get some mileage out of it! I thought this bunch was more creative than you've shown in this thread.
Without being too graphic, I had two female soldiers living in the barracks who apparently did not dispose of these things in a sanitary nor discreet manner. I had no idea what to do. I attempted "progressive" discipline to no avail. I finally did the only other thing my 23 year old brain could muster. When male soldiers would show-up to formation unshaven, I would have them carry their razor and shaving cream everywhere they went and to every formation for a week. So, I thought the same concept would work for the two female soldiers in question.
Needless to say, after the second formation of the day, where they both fell in ranks with their "gift packs" in tote, I found myself in the Brigade Commander's carpet standing at the position of attention while SHE and HER Command Sergeant Major read me the riot act then praised me for having the most creative approach to an age-old problem.
I'm not sure I grasp the concept of this 'whole new ball of wax'. Did you have them report with a tampon tied around their neck or what? I would think women in the military would be disciplined enough to handle the situation without public recognition.