excessive absenteeism

We currently offer sick and vacation leave accruals to our employees. Leave must be approved in advance by the supervisor.
Our policy currently states that excessive absenteeism is a disciplinary offense but there is no definition of what excessive means. I know we need to revise our policy and define excessive. That is a long term objective. However, in the meantime, can individual departments define excessive based on their departmental needs? Or should all departments have the same policy on what excessive means?
Any policies out there on excessive absenteeism?
Our policy currently states that excessive absenteeism is a disciplinary offense but there is no definition of what excessive means. I know we need to revise our policy and define excessive. That is a long term objective. However, in the meantime, can individual departments define excessive based on their departmental needs? Or should all departments have the same policy on what excessive means?
Any policies out there on excessive absenteeism?
Do not become the "specific policy policeman/woman"! The HR is there to advise and consent and admend as necessary to make a policy and procedure work for the company. When a Department Head fails to adhere to the policy and procedures set up and approved by the company, the Department Head must stand up and be counted for his/her failed actions. Only when you see that a policy and procedure is widely overlooked, then you should muster the "guts" to bring it up for correction or elimination. if it does not work for the company then rid the company of the policy and procedure! Mkae sure you have specific documentation and proof of wide overlooking of the policy before you jump to report on the need to rid the company of the cancerous policy or procedure, be able to backup your claim or keep your mouth shut until you have the proof of failure and consequences of the failure.
We use a system based upon the number of hours missed in a rolling 12 month period with termination being at 52 unexcused hours. Then we pigy back it with an early leave/tardy policy that counts occurrences.