You're Fired! -- I Quit!
334 Posts
We terminated an employee for gross safety violations last week. He went outside to clean out his truck, came back in 10 minutes and said that he'd rather quit than be fired. My initial reaction was "Yes!". The Workforce Commission, however, told me we'd might as well let the termination stand. We had good documentation, and could win an unemployment claim if it went that far. What do you think? Would you have let him quit?
Plus, I would argue that once the decision has been communicated to the ee, it is done. But maybe that is The Don starting to rub off on me!
Hopefully this earned me enough brownie points to overcome the thong underwear, handicapped parking and shotguns-n-whiskeys wisecracks
"click" Hello...helloo...
You have to love morons, they do provide us with som much entertainment.............
DJ The Balloonman
By the way, the EEOC does not like being lied to.