wording on PA form

I need help with some wording. It's Friday and I have ice cream on the brain. (Employee of the Year reception this afternoon!)
Our new Ad Director has realized the current secretary in place does not really meet his needs for various reasons. Skill set and personality are the top two.
He wants to let her go next week. We will pay her 2 weeks (in lieu of notice) along with vacation time. I can't figure out how to word this on the PA form. We normally include why employees are leaving. Uggh! Having a major brain cramp.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Seems to me that if it is a skill set issue, there should have been several instances of performance related shortfalls - and these should have been documented along the way. Finally documenting a last chance agreement. Nice textbook result with no surprise to the terminated EE.

    Does not sound like that has happened in this instance. Speaking of brain freeze, I don't know what a PA form is.

    If I put anything in writing, I would just tell her that her skill set does not match the position requirements. Mention the two weeks severance and wish her luck. Short and sweet.

    As to the marketing guy - is there a need for training with respect to documenting performance?
  • no documentation. Just a clash of personalities. The job duties will be somewhat reclassified and absorbed by fellow office assistants. He is not really replacing her per say. Anyway, thanks for the feedback.
    She will apply for unemployment...and get it. And hopefully all will move on.
  • I assume you're referrig to your Personnel Actions form, a change of status form. These forms are only for internal use anyway, so it really is not worth fretting over. Just put, "management decision to replace", and move on.
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