Asking to work Saturdays
An employee is saying a former employer got in trouble for asking people to work on Saturday (not a regularly scheduled day) on Friday. He says it's a "state law" that they must be asked on Thursday. I'm checking our regs, but anybody heard of this?
How does the Office Space quote go? "Oh, and I almost forgot, I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday, too." (right after telling him to come in on Saturday). I think I'm going to have to pop that in tonight . . .
How does the Office Space quote go? "Oh, and I almost forgot, I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday, too." (right after telling him to come in on Saturday). I think I'm going to have to pop that in tonight . . .
I looked and I can't find anything that says it's a law, but then again the website for the state is hard to navigate. You probably already have this, but I would fly a call to the number listed in this link & ask 'em. Let us know what they say okay? x:-)
I got transferred from the regs people to wage and hour and they said NO, there is no such law. I think everyone had some sort of plans to be "out of town", anyway.
As for me, I'm headed home to curl up with the Office Space video and some sort of beverage with a roaring fire and a purring cat. Pure bliss.
Thanks to all!
I love the way the software file they load to steal the money is called "virus". Really, there are few lines in the whole movie that don't crack me up. And I wonder if there's anything better than enjoying a nice, cubicle-free view while consuming Pepsi and Cheetos while playing Tetris. Speaking of bliss! x:-)
I always thought reasonable overtime could be required and you know if NY allows it, albeit with a 24 hour notice, then it must be OK everywhere. But I would not be surprised if Minnesota, California, and Ohio also have notice requirements.
The New York law is another fine example of government's nose being where it should not be.