Temporary re-location costs

I could really use your help on this one. Our company will be re-building our facility and we need to move out for about 6-8 months while the work is done. Can you help me to identify all the moving costs and set up costs that could be involved in this temporary move. Not the actual dollar amount, but what things we will have to deal with (such as telephone lines/ computer lines/ furniture/etc. I need to get up a list of all the possible expenses in moving out so any help would be appreciated. (I'm sure there are many things that I can't even anticipate).


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This is a really hard question for anyone to answer when they don't know what kind of business you are - how many ee's you have - what kind of systems you use or need.

    I just don't think this can be answered for you... maybe a little more info might help, but I'm sorry to say that I don't think this is something we can help with. Sorry. :(
  • More information would help but a couple of things we recently dealt with included utility connect/disconnect/relocation expenses, address change notification to customers and vendors, letterhead, envelope & business card impact, and possible overtime costs.

    Good luck.
  • additionall, a good moving plan which will allow for the operating systems to be in place and fully operational to satisfaction before you pull the plug on the ole location. With this also comes a phase of relocation by departments, some can move early and some like accounting will be the one unit to split move while operating some funtions in both places. People need to understand the plan and who moves when and where. This one is the real bear that gets feelings hurt and emotions raized to the highest levels. Territory and moving of one's person property associated with work is very important. Advertise well and meet often as necessary to keep everyone informed of what is going to happen, what is happening, and get ready for the "open house" with everyone's little face smiling and happy. Have a chain of authority down to the lowest unit of concern. Someone in charge of the whole project, an assistant who knows everything about the new location and can answer every little issue that might arise. An assistant at the old location to keep the schedule on target and moving through out the day. Obtain a one net communication radio system through which the chain of authority can communicate and change direction, when needed.

    "Stuff" will happen to make even the best planned event unravel, so understand it and be prepared to regroup and move forward to the "open house". PISS POOR PRIOR PLANNING, will make you into an old HR, so PLAN WELL AND EXECUTE, TO YOUR PLAN!

    See some of us don't shy away from any post. I have been where you are and I lived through it. Don't do it on your won get a team to help and plan it out to the Nth detail and you to shall live through it!

    Good Luck!


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