can employee have a witness?
5,885 Posts
OK- I can't think of a catchy subject line. One of our hourly employees told her manager she is bringing a co-worker to her performance review as a witness. I have found no laws that allow for this and it seems like a bad idea. Would you allow an employee to bring a fellow co-worker to a formal performance review?
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
Ultimately, I agree with Don, I wouldn't allow it, but that's because I know the people involved at my work & what's motivating them (we're a small company). Before you make your decision, play out each scenario (allow or not allow) in your head and take it a couple of steps down the road (meaning, does the ee retain an attorney or not) and see how it sits.
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
Weingarten Rights have nothing to do with employees discussing wages. Those are known as basic rights and are protected by the NLRA. Weingarten Rights only relates to an employees right to have another employee present at a time when the employee reasonable assumes that discipline might result from the meeting.
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**