Pregnancy Issue

We have an employee who has been here less than 4 months, still on probation, with little or no sick and vacation time on the books. It has just come to my attention that over the last month the EE has been calling in sick, citing difficulties with her pregnancy. Normally any EE with her attendance record would fail probation and be terminated. Because she is on Probation, the EE cannot request an unpaid leave, nor does she want to. She has stated that she must work as long as she can before she delivers. Our problem is that we need a full-time employee in that job. If we terminate, would we be in violation of the Pregnancy Act? My thanks to you all, and my best wishes for a safe and happy New Year.
Why is she unable to work? Does the job require standing, repetitive lifting, etc.? If so, is there a reasonable accommodation you could make that would allow the ee to continue working? Have there been other ees with impairments/disabilities that were inside the probationary period that were not termed? Do you have a policy that allows associates to take time off that do not qualify for FMLA? Is this available to ees that are in the probationary period? I think the direction you head depends on the comparables and statistics you are able to find.
(edit) Looks as if all three of us answered seconds apart, like delivering triplets. I would add that you should never, ever have a policy of making work accommodations for pregnant employees based on lifting inability or anything else unless your policy is so broad as to cover any and all other types of illnesses by any and all other employees.