Title Change

Good Afternoon,
I need some advice or perhaps some of you have gone through this situation.. (A person that is a manager of a department, that has gone through a RIF.) We now want to re-title the positions which are left and in a few cases remove a manager/"officer" status as well.Any suggestions?
One knows we were changing the title another does not at this point. But really there is not a need for that position any longer nor the status of officer, but trying to decide how to go about this situation with the least upset.Any ideas????



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I will try to explain how it was done in one of our departments. Went something like this:

    1 Manager over shipping/receiving
    1 Supervisor - shipping
    1 supervisor - receiving
    6 individual contributors s/r
    9 headcount

    changed to:

    1 Manager over shipping/receiving
    1 supv s/r
    4 individual contributors
    6 headcount

    What occurred was that a position was created for supv s/r which was to be posted. The two other supv positions were being eliminated. As a result, all qualified applicants (the 2 supvrs and potentially any of the individual contributors) could post until position filled. To handle the RIF, the selection was then made on performance.
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