Non-exempt and jury duty

I know that exempt ee are to be paid for jury duty. What about non-exempt. Am I correct in thinking they must use vacation or personal time off or is it just wishful thinking on my part? I need an answer asap--payday is Friday!
The non-exempt employee is paid for the time they are able to work during a court week or with proof of payment the difference between the number of hours certified in the jury situation and travel time to and from the court and home daily. Again they do not get both the court fee and a paid time check from the employer.
The idea is that we want the court to be supported willingly by our employees, therefore, we have our policy set up to encourage our employees to participate. On the other hand when they get released at 9:00AM on any day from jury duty they know to report to work. If they don't there is no pay due and the $10.00 court inconvience fee is their total amount due for that day. We do allow the employee to use sick and vacation hours to make up the difference, if they choose. Many have tried to pull the wool over our eyes, but we have the program well groved and they no longer get both. This Ole Hog did not fall off the turnip truck!