Pre-Employment Screening

Our organization will soon be implemeting a pre-employment functional testing step to our selection process. The functional testing will be completed by all applicants offered employment and administered by an external health care organiztion.

If anyone has an example procedure, I would appreciate a copy for review. I am attempting to create a procedure for our new addition to the selection process.

Please email example to




  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know that I could send a copy of anything for your review. But, in order to implement a post-offer functional capacities appraisal piece to your pre-employment physical examination, all you need to do is provide the clinic administrator or chief physician with copies of your complete job descriptions and have them build in an appropriate appraisal into the physical exam. If they are thorough, it will add to the cost of each physical, but it's worth it. Be sure you go to the clinic and have them demonstrate to you precisely what they require in the evaluation.
  • The effectiveness of the test will also be much improved if you can get one or all of the clinic physicians to visit your facility and actually see the jobs. Sometimes they'll do this depending on how much money they think it will eventually bring the clinic. If you also have a first aid room, have one of them certify in writing that the room contains all of the things it needs to contain. This can help you in company safety audits in the future.
  • Thanks! The external Health Care provider has set up individual screenings based upon our Job Descriptions. I may look into the visit, currently our agent for our workers comp carrier, participates in a walk through audit of our facility quarterly. The agent specializes in liability insurance. These audits have been very helpful.
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