Recruitment--Minimum qualifications

Am looking for documentation on recruitment that says after the company has advertised a position and receives candidates resume package and the candidate does not meet the minimum qualifications as stated in the ad, what do you do with the candidates package? Normally I send them a letter or email stating they don't meet the minimum qualifications. If we don't find a suitable candidate then we readvertise with lower qualifications. What laws would we be violating if we hired a candidate with qualifications that didn't meet the minimums and there were other candidates that did?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I have a couple of questions... You have an open position and advertise for it listing the minimum qualifications. Then if you don't receive an acceptable candidate pool you re-advertise and lower your mimimum qualifications. Hmmm...

    1. Are the qualifications that you are looking for not THAT important to successfully do the job - so you lower them?

    2. Do you do this with all your positions?

    3. If you lower the minimum qualifications - then you would already have a candidate pool to select from since you told the previous group that applied they didn't qualify?

  • 1. No, the position in question has had an interim person in the position with a lot of experience but not the degree.

    2. Readvertising with lower qualifications is not normal. I think we had to a long time ago because candidates with the higher degree could go out in the business world and make more money.

    3. This is not normal to lower the qualifications.
  • What laws would we be
    >violating if we hired a candidate with
    >qualifications that didn't meet the minimums and
    >there were other candidates that did?

    You could very easily violate Title VII. That's a bad one to violate. Could cost A LOT of money.

  • Could you tell me what Title VII is?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-08-04 AT 04:46PM (CST)[/font][br][br]It is a component of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It prohibits discrimination against gender, race, national origin and religion.

    My point was if you hire a male/white/christian person that doesn't meet the minimums and you have a black/female/middle eastern/muslim person that meets the minimums, that could be discrimination.

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