No Fault Absenteeism Policy

I'm in the process of putting together a no-fault absenteeism policy for a manufacturing company. I'd appreciate hearing about similar policies, e.g., guidelines, how points (i.e., demerits reflecting an absence) are accumulated, whether points can be earned back, how long points are in place for, what, if any, extenuating circumstances are considered, what you think works well, pitfalls, etc. Thanks for your help!
Absent full day – 1 point
Late, leave early, half-day off – ½ point
No call no show – 2 points
Points drop off after one year.
The following occurs with the accumulation of points:
4 points – Verbal warning
5 points – Written warning
6 points – Suspension
8 points – Suspension
10 points – Termination
We are a construction company. All suspensions for attendance are mid-week, no long weekends.
We have a system in place where the employees can take personal days, which do not count as points. This system has worked well for us, can count on one hand the number of people who have been suspended.....currently have 1 individual at 8 1/2 points, he will never make it.
Have also when I have been in manufacturing seen systems to where 1 point would drop off if you went 60 days without an occurrence, and another point for every 30 days after that.
My $0.02 worth,
DJ The Balloonman
Allow 3 in a 180 day rolling period. Incidents drop off after 180 days.
#4 incident gets a verbal
#5 gets a written
#6 a 3 day unpaid suspension
#7 Termination
3 consecutive working days missed with DR's note only counts as 1 incident.
Perfect attendance for a calendar month earns 3 additional vacation hours over and above regular vacation time.
That's our policy and we stick to it. No exceptions and we treat everyone the same if they have been with us 6 weeks, 6 months or 6 years.
My $0.02 worth,
DJ The Balloonman
Give us an e-mail address and we might be able to ship you some words, that will allow you to be free of the "time card police work"!