Personal Illness on the Job..
Here we go! I had an employee that has diabetes and was employed for 9 years. She has never had any problems "at work". Last week, her sugar sky-rocketed and obviously needed to be given an insulin shot. We are a nursing facility by the way. One of the nurses grabbed the insulin and started to administer it. Another nurse shouted at her saying "NO! You can't! You have no authorization from her doctor!" Another staff member from administration said "You have to call her emergency contacts first!" Obviously, we need a policy on what to do. Does anyone know anything about the "Good Samaritan Law"? The insulin was given to her anyway and she was fine. How is non-work related employee illnesses handled on your job sites? I would appreciate feedback. Thanks!
Our Health / Work link services company brings to us each year this educational opportunity. Fortunately, we have had only a few opportunities to use these skills but in the cases where we did it paid off in dollar and cents saved and great employee relations. The blood borne pathogents class has helped us alot in the treatment of injuries when blood is a part of the situation.
We have 18 teams each working in their particular location; we only have five of these teams that are within 5 minutes of a medical facility, an OSHA standard.
Hope this helps you work through your company needs in your assessment. Welcome to the forum!
The rules are different for emergencies. I don't know exactly what the rules are, but it sounds like Pork's people do.
James Sokolowski
As for the good samaritan laws...they generally cover nonmedical personnel in an emergency situation. Each state is different. PA has one for lay people and one for medical people acting outside of work.