Looking for another job on company time

We brought an IT support person aboard. She was hired perm on 7/27/04. I found fax confirmations where she sent in her applications for other jobs at work. I looked at our timeclock system and she took a 3 hour lunch yesterday and then she emailed today stating she had an emergency at home and had to leave. She said she would be back but we haven't seen her. Needless to say I am very suspicious of her behavior. Her manager is out on business but he is to return Monday. I told him we really need to discuss this. He wants to keep her since we are trying to implement Oracle in the next couple of months. However, I feel like we could easily get "screwed" and she leave right before everything goes live. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Just remember, an at will employee can leave at any time. :-)
Hey, that sounds like the title of some sort of Blues song. Ray, warm up "Lucile" - oh wait, that's BB's instrument. Can you play the blues on a trombine?
So, the point of all that drivel is that it might well have been "Thank God And Trailways She's Gone". x:-)