EE out sick and verification

When an hourly employee is out sick we require a written statement from the doctor stating that they were seen in their office on that day. The employee does not incur points for that absence if they have a written note from the doctor stating they could not work due to sickness. There have been "rumors" that some employees are getting these written statements from "friends" who work in a doctors office. We have a plant manager who wants the employees to sign a authorization stating that we can verify these office visits with the doctor. Can we contact the doctors office to verify that the employee was actually seen on that day? Thanks in advance for your input.
I finally confronted her with my suspicions and she came clean. She was gone in 60 seconds with no help whatsoever from the new implants.
The only time I've had any luck with these situations is the one time it involved an excuse written on a prescription form that I thought odd. I got push back from the doctor's office until I raised the possibility that a prescription pad had been lifted (turns out it had). That got their attention real quick!
Good luck.
I do not agree, however, that you should require a doctor's note for one days absence. Generally it is more acceptable to require a doctors note after three days absence from work and even requiring an employee to report to company nurse before being allowed to report to work upon return. But one day? Don't mean to be indelicate here, but what about those occasions that you ate something that didn't agree with you and your digestive system is out of whack and you feel horrid, so you call in sick. What about the individual who has severe diabetes and suffers whatever and doesn't feel well enough to come into work and calls out sick for one day? I could go on with many other examples and in each one the employee would not go and see a physician and thus obtain a doctors note. Three days is more reasonable.
As to not giving absence points to those employees who have a doctors note, while giving points to those employees who return to work without one, I have not come up with a rationale yet to support a bad feeling I have about that practice. I'd welcome comments pro and con from the forum on it though.
it's a great idea and i hope it works for you - but not at this doctor's office!!!!
You can tell who we are if you call us back at our work number. Easy enough to verify; we're in the phone book. And, yes, we all know that doctors' offices will write an excuse for a patient 'even if they call and say they forgot to get one yesterday'. We know you want to keep your patients and don't care that it's us who pay the bills. What ever happened to integrity?