Indiviual Taxpayer Identification Number

We do background check and social security number traces on all employees before hiring. I received the social security number trace on a potential employee as a non-valid number. I verified the number I was given several times. The potential employee was told that his social security number wasn't valid and to please look into this and get back w/ me. He then brought an assigned ITIN which states it to be used for income tax purposes only and doesn't create any inference regarding your immigration status or your right to work in the US. The ITIN I received today and the SS# weren't the same numbers. I am not familiar with ITIN as I have not encountered before. Would it be accurate to ask for a Visa to verify his work status since he already gave me a false number on his application as well as the background release form? Please help! Thanks.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • An ITIN is never acceptable for employment or wage reporting purposes outside of the tax system. I run into this quite often. You know you're dealing with an ITIN off the bat because they always start with the number 9 and have either a 7 or 8 as the fourth number.

    I would bring the employee in to my office and explain to him that the ITIN does not meet the requirements of the law for determining identity and/or eligibility to work in the U.S. Next, offer him the back of the I-9 with the list of acceptable documents and explain to him that he must produce one of the documents from List A or one each from List B AND List C. Period, end of story, suspended pending verification of employment eligibility.

    Under no circumstances should you demand a visa or any other document you may deem acceptable.

    Here's a link (I have dozens on this very topic) directly from the SSA.


    I hope this helps.

  • If the man is illegal, he knows it. I wouldn't go to any additional trouble with/for him. You simply should direct him to the Social Security Administration and tell him the job offer is withdrawn unless he brings to you satisfactory documentation. If he is not legal, you will not hear from him again.
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