Job Descriptions

I am in dire need of good job descriptions for my organziation. I have a good ADA template but need good descriptive statements for our jobs. Would you help please? and fax is 901-433-4041.

Thank you.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I see this is your 3rd post, welcome to the forum!

    Just a suggestion - why don't you tell us which jobs you are describing? Management, production, support staff, sales assistants or ?

    YOu will probably get much more on point response if you give us a bit more to go on.
  • Not to plug another HR site but (Society for Human Resource Management has a huge selection of typical job descriptions by business types.
    Good Luck,
  • We just went through this process last year. This is an incredible process but, once complete, very satisfying. I used for a base and also reviewed and for posted positions to see how their job descriptions read. will allow you to also use your geographic area for salary ranges. I argee that SHRM is a great resource too. Good luck. It's worth it!
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