Rep for Unemployment Hearing

We had an employee who appealed the unemployment decision to deny her unemployment. The hearing was scheduled and supervisor was supposed to attend.
Supervisor did not attend and, of course, unemployment will be given. In SC, the hearing officer wants the direct supervisor to attend the hearings (especially appeals) or they tend not to even consider what HR states. All HR can do it reiterate what is in the file and what policies, if any, were violated.
It's not always easy to attend these things given the fact that we have patients to see and they take priority over a terminated employee.
Do any of you have issues with supervisors not attending these hearings or how do you handle these in your state?
Supervisor did not attend and, of course, unemployment will be given. In SC, the hearing officer wants the direct supervisor to attend the hearings (especially appeals) or they tend not to even consider what HR states. All HR can do it reiterate what is in the file and what policies, if any, were violated.
It's not always easy to attend these things given the fact that we have patients to see and they take priority over a terminated employee.
Do any of you have issues with supervisors not attending these hearings or how do you handle these in your state?
I do take a supervisor with me if the evidence is overwhelmingly documents prepared by or initiated by the supervisor. I've found it always helps our case if that person describes the record and details why it was created and my questions get him to do that if the hearing officer does not.
I agree that if it's hard or impossible to pull staff away from the job to attend, we'll just have to weigh that against the potential of increased rates.
It is a waste of time to haul 30 people into a hearing to support written statements of information.
Generally, we just take who is available and hope for the best. Sometimes the examiner will permit telephone testimony...and sometimes not. It never hurts to ask.
HR functions mainly as the organizer for this event...since most activity leading up to termination was done by the ee's department.
Hope this helps!
With any other hearing a person in their immediate chain of command attends with me, as a witness for me to call, never as the lead company spokesman.
In many states, strict rules of evidence do not apply in UI hearings. In those states one person can produce a memo or warning from the file and represent it as a true course-of-business record.
My very most favorite question I ask of the claimant in almost every hearing when they get off on a rabbit trail about 'somebody said or somebody did or so and so was...' is, "And do you have that person here with you today as a witness?"