Closing for Hurricane Frances & Paying ees

The CEO has decided to close Friday to allow ees to prepare for Hurricane Frances.

He told me that next week, we can have the ees make up the time. I told him that with hourly ees, if they work more than 40 hrs, it would be considered OT, etc... He told me he was well aware of the rules, but there are ways to get around them??

Any suggestions as how to handle this one?
With the former CEO, when he would suggest doing things like this, I just insisted on the right way to do it, and he finally agreed.

With this new CEO, I doubt he would listen...


P.S. I assume he will also require exempts to make the time up as well. I'm sure that won't go over well either.


  • 17 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • My assumption is that he's trying to get the people paid while having some productivity (after missed time) result. Although it is a violation of the FLSA, I'd go along with his suggestion. Who will complain? The work gets done, the people get paid rather than not paid and all moves on rather fluidly. What's a little federal wage law violation in the grand scheme of things?
  • My gut reaction is the same as Don's. Horay for an employer sensitive and compassionate. And if that world exits somewhere, I'd like to get there. It's worth a try. depaending on how much o/t is at stake. But, there will be one A#+* who will bitch and complain and maybe call in the wage and hour guys and you know where that goes. As long as your CEO kbnows the risks, have at it. By the way, we will be thinking of you guys and praying for your safety. Thah sucker looks like one mighty big sonofagun.

    Wasn't it Pat Robertson who prayed one away from the CArolinas and it wreaked havoc on Long Island? Maybe you should give him a call. Ah..he'd probably just call LOng Island and get a biger donation. Batten 'er down and git outta town. Good luck!
  • How about this to go along with what Don and Shadowfax said. Instead of making up all the hours next week, have them work just enough OT so they make up the lost $'s. If an ee works about 5.3 hours at their OT rate, that equals just about 8 hours of straight time pay. So between the two weeks, your cash outlay for payroll remains constant. Only downside is you lose some production due to working fewer hours.
  • The year I graduated from college, got married and started my career, we landed on the moon and Hurricane Camille hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast at a category 5. The weather geeks say none since then have been tougher. I certainly hope this one drops from 4 to 3 or 2 but I understand Monday morning it stands at a 4. There are actually fools leaving my state as we speak headed down there thinking they are gonna surf. My daughter and a group of her friends are heading to Gulf Shores, Alabama for labor day but they had it planned for weeks. The nonsense of youth. I wonder if I was/were ever stupid.

    I like Shadow's suggestion to batten 'em down and get outa town. I also like Ray's thoughtful and thoroughly analytical suggestion for planning your overtime. Shadow always has good advice and, on occasion, Ray will. x:-) & xpray for all of you down there.
  • With Monday being a holiday, if employees work extra hours to make up the Friday leave, they may still work under the forty hours not "earn" overtime. I agree with the above that most people will be happy to have the time to prepare and will make up the time. If anyone really complains, they can go without pay (or use earned time for Friday)
  • Ray, you are worth every cent we pay you. Great solution!
  • We are closing too, but people will be paid. I think Ray's suggestion is great. Just found out the generator we ordered last week is NOT coming in xx( There is NO plywood, NO generators anywhere. People are irritable. Everyone has opinion from This is the big one to Everyone is over reacting. Not a fun day. As Don noted there are the idiots headed for the surf as well as us oldies who are boarding up for the first time. Have plenty of food, alcohol, company. . if we can just keep the roof. xpray Hope you all stay safe.
  • We will definitely keep all of our Florida friends in our thoughts these next few days. I have an Aunt and Uncle in Port Charlotte that have made it through 5-6 storms so keep the faith!
  • Our thoughts are with you. We have a plant in Orlando. They have it boarded up and the plant manager is going to ride out the storm there. The rest of the staff are either preparing or stuck in I-95 traffic. GOOD LUCK!
  • If your policy doesn't count Labor Day Holiday pay towards the 40 hour week, then you can work Saturday and still be on straight time wages. Employees would get 48 hours pay for the week. If not, and the production is needed, then pay them the overtime. Unless you're paying them for tomorrow, and it didn't sound like you were, then your company is already 8 hours ahead. Far better to show compassion and generosity during a stressful time for your workforce. A lot of other Florida employees probably won't have a workplace to return to Tuesday.

    Since you probably won't see these posts till Tuesday, you may want to rethink paying them for Friday depending upon damage in your area and how the lives of your employees have been affected. Asking them to make up lost time when they have personal problems may just add to the stress.
  • ''We are closing too, but people will be paid. ''

    My company is also closing early today (friday) just finished e-mailing with the bosses, the ee's will be paid, same as with Charley. Glad I do not have to figure out ways to track ''who owes what''....As for me, I am still in Europe waiting to see if my flight home will be cancelled-Please keep your fingers crossed, I have payroll waiting on my return Tuesday! Be safe all of you in Florida.
  • First and foremost, our prayers are with each and everyone that will be affected by Frances. I have family in Tampa and - much to my disagreement - they plan to stay and ride it out. Crawfod, you had a great suggestion to the pay problem. The personal problems are going to far outweigh any production issues. This will be a stressful time for all concerned. Residents of Florida, you are in our prayers. I thanked God this morning that I live in Tennessee surrounded by the Great Smoky Mountains.
  • We are paying our employees for their regularly schedule hours, just like we did during Charley. We fared well at our offices, some employees had damage to their homes, but most are fine. The majority have no power or water, but they showed up for work this morning! What a team! It could be the air-conditioning..... Now we have to keep our eyes on Ivan.
  • Thanks to all for your advice, and most of all for all your prayers.

    Although we fared well at our offices, we had 2 employees who lived further up north (Palm Beach area which was hardest hit) and they lost their roofs, others had damage to their homes, but most are fine. Many went without power and water for 1 to 3 days, and despite it all came to work. I consider ourselves as a group very lucky indeed.

    ..... But now we have to keep an eye out for Hurricane Ivan ...

    Thanks again.
  • Joining in the thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. It was an experience, I'll tell you. Still no power at home, but no one I know had major damage. It is, nonetheless, weird to see your neighbors car pancaked with a tree on top of it. We got 6-9" of rain (seemed like 60) and winds to 74 miles an hour. I can not fathom what a category 4 would do. Hope those of you further north are not getting too much trouble. Even today, the radio has bleeped tornando warnings 3 times.
  • Sonny,

    Where are you at? We are north west of Fort Lauderdale.
  • I'm in Mims - south of New Smyrna Beach about 20 minutes. Lost our barn (horse barn) and parts of the roof though no leaks. Some siding of the house also. Friends lost their entire roofs. The tornados after the hurricane (on Monday) were just as bad if not worse. Still no power at our place and most of Titusville (where all the stores are) is still without power. Hot and humid but at least we're alive.

    And we have Ivan to look forward to! :(
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