Politics, Politics, and more Politics

Help me out here....in my opinion, we may just be taking this a little too far!
Several weeks ago, our president requested that everyone remove ALL political items from their work areas. (It had gotten way too out of control). The task was accomplished with the exception of one employee leaving one (1) button. The button, by the way, is the same one several other employees had but removed.
The bickering has begun...he's claiming "free speech and he's not taking it down" and she's saying "it's unfair that everyone else has removed theirs and he has not".
Any suggestions? Plleeeeaas!
Several weeks ago, our president requested that everyone remove ALL political items from their work areas. (It had gotten way too out of control). The task was accomplished with the exception of one employee leaving one (1) button. The button, by the way, is the same one several other employees had but removed.
The bickering has begun...he's claiming "free speech and he's not taking it down" and she's saying "it's unfair that everyone else has removed theirs and he has not".
Any suggestions? Plleeeeaas!
Okay, I was grouchy when I originally posted this, so maybe firing him is a bit extreme. However, I would consider a VERY strong warning, or even a suspension for behavior like this.
Hopefully, you have a policy detailing progressive discipline. and remember however you handle this ee is how similar situations will need to be handled in the future.
I view this as a clear case of insubordinate behavior and you should address it immediately.
By the way welcome to the forum!
Good Luck,