Travel Time
I don't post often but have now felt compelled to do so twice in the last two days. I can usually find an answer to any question by doing a search on this site but this one is a bit unusual. I would appreciate your replies. We have a facility that was severely damaged in the recent hurricane in Florida. We have requested that the employees (hourly) travel about an hour away to another company facility and work out of that facility. We anticipate this situation lasting 4-6 months. We have provided the use of a company vehicle to make this commute. They all gather at the former facility and travel to the new one before normal working hours. I've read that employees that gather at the "home office" and then travel to another work site must be paid for travel time. However, the "home office" is no longer there. It's just a gathering spot. They could just as easily gather at the local McDonalds. Are we responsible for paying travel time to and from the new facility?
I hope you will pay them for the riding time, it is the right thing to do. Call your Fed wage and hour folks and I am sure this will be their answer, but it want hurt and you will be more satisfied with their guidance. Heck with the circumstance in your area you might not be able to get through, but try anyway!
Our prayers and thoughts are with you. May your company and employees have a Blessed day.