Management Skills Training
HR rosie
16 Posts
We have a manager (with 10 years of service) who could benefit (greatly) from attending a management training seminar, preferably one that covers leadership styles and provides a self assessment of one's management style. As part of my research, I am soliciting feedback from Forum participants. Is there anyone out there who could recommend a program or seminar they have had success with? I am not concerned with location - if we have to spend $$ on airfare to get her the best possible training, it would be money well spent.
Thank you for your input.
Thank you for your input.
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
ML Smith can probaly help you out with a schedule of when and where they will be conducting a Leadership and personnel supervisory program near you.
Currently, we don't offer anything specifically for management training, however we have been looking into expanding our product offerings. I'll keep all of you aware of the progress we make.
P.S. I'm the redhead in the green suit in the 10 Danger Zones videos! It's my acting debut.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
Keep in mind that one week of training will not "fix" this manager. It will take laying out what the expectations are and following up wwith them.
The 10 Danger Zones of Supervison augmented with two Leadership modules that talks to and demonstrates to the trainees a good starting point from which to grow. Maslow, Hertzberg, Myers-Briggs, and personal experiences make up the Leadership module I use to put the trainee into a basic understanding of Leadership and management of people in our employer/employee world.
HRhero and its staff do not pay me, but I'll be glad to consult on my in place module to help the development of a management piece.
As a note, I worked for an organization that made all of us (managers) read "Flight of the Buffalo" and "Atlas Shrugged" and watch "Patton" in an all day staff meeting, then analyze George Patton's weaknesses and the reason for his failure. You can take a bizarre approach like that - some of it sinks in.
Anne in Ohio