Post-Termination Services

We are considering contracting with a separate entity for "post job separation" services. We envision that this may assist a former employee in his/her job search, resume building, brush up on skills.

Does any one use such an entity? If so what has your experience been?

Would/should there be exceptions to these services? For example, an employee terminated for an act of workplace violence (under our written policy)?



  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Denise, I've not used them but know several that do. I have no idea how well it works. I think most e/ees don't really appreciate it. Perhaps the better paid ones do. I can see no reason to use them in every case, in fact, why would you do it in any termination case, unless as consideration for a release of all claims to buy litigation peace. Try it on a couple folks and then eval.
  • Many of our entry-level ee's are either fresh out of high school or this is their first job experience. As a result the maturity needed to be successful is not always there (attendance issues, basic policy violations-that sort of thing). We thought we might be more proactive by providing some sort of "remedial" course for former ee's that are interested in getting their act together.

    The other factor is that we specialize in funding education...makes for bad press if our former ee's seem uneducated and can't find work, I guess!
  • I would make a distinction between EE's who were let go for performance issues (such as attendance) and people who were let go for willful misconduct.
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