1st time RIF

Hi everyone, I'm very nervous, this is my first time being part of an RIF. I have the seperation and general release forms ready, along with pay-out figures, and a brief seperation notice explaining the cause. We are a small organization so the WARN Act doesn't apply to us.

Does anyone have any advice to offer. Are there other forms that I should have? This is difficult b/c it is currently happening to only one employee.

Thanks in advance!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I can only embrace you and tell you it'll be OK. If your process is well thought out, the decision to RIF this person is defensible and your business plan includes the reasoning behind the layoff, do what you gotta do. I can tell you for absolute certain that none of us has ever been able to accurately predict the reaction of the person(s) called in for RIF. Tell him/her why it's necessary, offer support, provide information about insurance continuation, give advice about filing for UI, welcome them to reapply and let them understand that it's not personal, just a business decision. Conclude it as quickly as you can and get a cup of coffee. At lunch, take a walk out by the oak tree and know it's not personal.
  • Elle, good advise from Don. Pretty much exactly what I do. Some of us here on the forum have gone through this process innumerable times. For me, it never gets easier - the butterflies are still there. And I have learned to be prepared for any possible reaction from the ee, often they react the opposite from what I expect. Typically, when I have gone through this it has been with 10 to 50 ee's. I make sure I have my documentation in order and make sure we are not being discriminatory or even appearing to be so.
  • As long as I've been in this business, I still get nervous, upset, butterflies, etc. when faced with terminations. I've also come to realize that if the day ever comes when I DON'T feel this way, that is the day I quit.

    Wear your compassion, upset stomach, and sleepless nights like a badge of honor and be proud that you feel that way.

    Good luck and God bless you, Elle.
  • And, I'm assuming the person has no prior knowledge of what's about to happen, so, I recommend you type up another half sheet which will include:

    Phone number and address of UI office.
    Phone number of your payroll department.
    Phone number of insurance carrier.
    Your contact information.
    contact information for 401(k), if applicable.

    Remember that most, maybe 95%, of what you say in the brief separation meeting will not even be heard, much less retained. I can't predict him/her for certain, but most times the person is suddenly in a fog, almost shock, and will try to recall later on what it was you said. All they know at the moment is that their whole world has slammed up against a large bridge abutment.

    Come back and let us know.
  • Thank you all for your responses and support. I'm just not sure if all my paper work is in order, I really don't have much aside from stating that we have budgetary issues and 2 persons for 1 position. Is that justification enough?
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