Lottery Pools
Is it ok for an employee to start a lottery pool?
Whomever wants to participate pays $2, then someone buys the lottery tickets. If we win we all split the pot and then start over the next week. Is this a legal problem or something that I should not let happen while at work.
It's all voluntary.
Whomever wants to participate pays $2, then someone buys the lottery tickets. If we win we all split the pot and then start over the next week. Is this a legal problem or something that I should not let happen while at work.
It's all voluntary.
If they want to have a pool, I would not permit it on company premises, on working time. They can take it off site.
We think allowing this in our workplace is hypocritical.
If it were up to me I would ban all gambling on premises but since our "higher-ups" participate in the pools, the gaming goes on.
Anyway, state law holds that if the recipient of the funds collected/donated/sent in, is not a recognized, chartered charity in the state, it is not legal even under this circumstance, since people were buying chances on a raffle, which is gaming.
Would hate to do without the superbowl pools though!
There was a case about a year ago in New Jersey. There was a big winning ticket and the owner did not come forward immediately. A group of co-workers sued another co-worker alleging she had used their money to buy the winning ticket. The co-workers went on tv to argue (actually yell) their case. The buyer of the lottery tickets said she had not purchased the winning ticket. To make a long story, she had not purchased the winning the lottery ticket.