Ex-Employee "On the loose"

The fun just never ends, does it x:'(

We have a terminated employee who is going around to our other centers bad mouthing an employee that he believes caused him to lose his job (NOT!) What I would like to do is call him and tell him to STAY away from our centers - Any thoughts on what I can do to stop this?


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-08-04 AT 09:42AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Advise the administrators of these centers to escort him out the door as soon as he appears. Have them inform the guy that the next time he walks into ANY of your centers that he will be trespassing, the police will be called and he will be arrested.

    If possible, have the administrator that actually throws this idiot out, inform the other centers. Then when he appears elsewhere, the police are automatically called.

    You could also have them throw in some phrases such as defamation of charcter, slander, libel, disparagement, etc.
  • This former employee should be a concern. I would consider giving the local law enforcement a heads up prior to calling him. I developed a good relationship with my local police deaprtment, and when I had a difficult termination, they were on site within 1 minute and I think they help defuse a potentially violent confrontation.
  • Whether you make the call yourself or ask the attorney who represents the corporation to do it for you, it should be done right away in a matter-of-fact, cease and desist manner. No threats, just promises. Stay off the property, do not call any of the facilities, and do not trash our reputation, or you will be faced with legal action or arrest and removal.
  • If you have an attorney, ask them to write the letter for you asking the "ex" to cease and desist this behavior. Also, as someone else suggested, advise him that his behavior is slanderous and may be grounds for further litigation from the affected party if it continues.

    Generally this will work. We had a similar situation with a secretary that worked for our CEO. She was terminated because her negligence almost cost the company a considerable amount of money. She started going around to others telling them that her boss tried to make her do illegal things, etc. She was also telling people to "watch their backs" and the usual stuff.

    Our attorney wrote a letter advising if she had something concrete that she needed to share with either the attorney, Human Resources or the managing Physician concerning the conduct of the CEO, she should directly communicate this to us; otherwise, if she persisted in this behavior, the CEO had grounds for defamation and litigation.
    Amazingly this behavior stopped immediately.
  • I agree with the other posters! Recommend taking swift and aggressive steps.

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