Somebody is using my SS# calls?

Lately I have being getting calls from individuals that claim that we have employees ilegally using their SS# and these individuals are demanding for us to research the matter. We do background checks and we check ss# with the SS administration. my question is: how much responsibility/liability do we have? are we supposed to look into it?, I believe this type of problem is only going to get worst, has anybody experience this? and how do you handle it?.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
The form letter specifically tells you to take no action other than to answer the questions (date of hire, address, etc) and to refer the individual to the SSA office to correct the possible oversight.
I have gotten a few of these over the years and never have they originated from the individual.
I am expecting to be able to retire from these types of proceeds any day now.
Your words appear to be identifying: "a caller calls your office to complain that your employees are using the caller's SSN". If I'm not incorrect, I would advise the caller to seek civil authority assistance (call the police and make a formal statement to someone).
If your employee/or ees is involved in criminal activity and fraudalently using someone else's identity, they might be, otherwise, be criminally involved within your organization. I am the victim of SSN and name thief and it can be very difficult to fix it once it happens.
You have no obligation to investigate the complaint toward your employee, but I would make certain anyone identified by the caller has no access to our corporate list of SSNs.
Have a nice day!
Sorry, it's friday and I couldn't help myself since you referenced part of the earlier thread. This is, of course, all in fun