HIV in the workplace

Our Sales Manager came up to HR yesterday to inform us of the following situation and to get our advice:
An employee who left the company last week had disclosed to his manager that he had been diagnosed with HIV (we are not aware what stage he was at). Apparently he had told another manager here that he has "had relations" with people and not informed them that he was infected. We believe that he may have had relations with some employees here (we do not know who). How do we handle this? Do we recommend to employees that they get tested? We dont' want to violate anyone's privacy. Also, if we do tell, do we only inform male employees (the ee was gay)? I guess I am not really sure what to do. This is a pretty scary situation.
Any advice is appreciated.
An employee who left the company last week had disclosed to his manager that he had been diagnosed with HIV (we are not aware what stage he was at). Apparently he had told another manager here that he has "had relations" with people and not informed them that he was infected. We believe that he may have had relations with some employees here (we do not know who). How do we handle this? Do we recommend to employees that they get tested? We dont' want to violate anyone's privacy. Also, if we do tell, do we only inform male employees (the ee was gay)? I guess I am not really sure what to do. This is a pretty scary situation.
Any advice is appreciated.
Hopefully, the former ee disclosed his condition to those he had "relations" with (even though he claimed not to) and used necessary precautions. And the risk to other ee's is nearly nonexistant in a typical workplace.
Check with your local health department, it may offer some options to you.
(Great time to make use of EAP if you have one.)
E Wart
Second thought: The activities that result in HIV don't typically take place in any workplace environment I've ever been in.
Don, the activities are obviously not taking place at the workplace, however they are occuring outside of work but with co-workers.
I guess it is just a very scary situation. We will contact the local clinic and get advice, but I think we can't really do much else.
Knowing the propensity of people to pass on information, be prepared to get calls from employees. I would direct them to medical care and your EAP.