Male Employee who may be stay-at-home dad

We have a male employee that we hired a few months ago to head a department in our company. We have sent him to extensive training and he will be taking a major certification exam that the company paid for next month.
Apparently, last week, at an out of town seminar, he mentioned in dinner conversation to one of his managers that he and his wife were planning on trying to start a family in a few months. He told the manager that, when the child is born, he would quit his job and stay home.
Our company has spent a significant amount of money to invest him, can we approach him and ask what his plans are since he openly volunteered this information? What liability would we face? We would make it clear that his job is still secure, as his performance is satisfactory at the moment. Help!
Apparently, last week, at an out of town seminar, he mentioned in dinner conversation to one of his managers that he and his wife were planning on trying to start a family in a few months. He told the manager that, when the child is born, he would quit his job and stay home.
Our company has spent a significant amount of money to invest him, can we approach him and ask what his plans are since he openly volunteered this information? What liability would we face? We would make it clear that his job is still secure, as his performance is satisfactory at the moment. Help!
Besides, could be years before they have kids, or if you are lucky she will get pregnant first time they try! x:D
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Best advice I can offer is to completely take time and $$ spent in training, certifications, etc out of the equation. Without a receoupment agreement in place it is all irrelevant.
Take this opportunity to develop a recoupment policy for future hires in whom you will invest considerable time and expenses so that you're not stuck with little or no ROI when they split.
Good luck and please keep us posted.
There is little you can do and much can happen between then and now. Continue investing in him, time has a strange way of changing one's point of view.
I think I would talk to him about his plans. I would hesitate spending these dollars twice if I could avoid doing so.
aha! you find out he's planning to leave after his child is born (even though at this point it is a theoretical child). Hmmmm, suddenly things change in the way he's treated, there was never a mention of repayment before, and other changes would occur that would be more subtle b/c you would know this person is not a permanent addition to your management team.
Sounds pretty much like a cause and effect scenario to me. I bet he could find a lawyer willing to test the court. So while he may lose in the end, you'd still spend the time fighting it.
I agree with ritaanz, leave it alone. If he is really talented you won't want to lose him.
"Gosh, one of our managers tells me that you may be taking some parenting leave in the future. As you know, we are a family friendly company, and we want to support your needs since you are a valued employee ... etc. etc. etc. Let me give you some information about the FMLA so that when the time comes, you can fill out the paperwork and get the leave time you're entitled to."
... assuming you want to keep him. NOW ... as soon as you've read this post, get a policy and agreement together post haste with a repayment schedule and such ...
I understand why these questions could be valuable to the company...but once you have the knowledge...any action taken will appear suspect.
Besides, any 1/2witted employee would tell you..."gee I'd really love to stay home, but reality calls"....
The guy was talking about a "what-if" senario....if he's doing his job well....continue on....make your FMLA policies available to the entire workforce....
And my answer agrees with those who said, let it slide. He'll change his mind twice in the meantime and even he does not know what his choice might be. And if you stop sending him to training and he stays another 40 years with the company, what have you done to yourselves?
I knew you were kidding!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-15-04 AT 05:58 PM (CST)[/font]
Thought I'd delete this before the police did. x:-)