What would you do?

Giving a presentation on safety incentive programs, OSHA is against them, and OSHA inspector will be present (oh joy) would you:
A. Change your presentation.
B. Go full steam ahead?
I do acknowledge OSHA position in my presentation, I just do not agree with it. :-)
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
A. Change your presentation.
B. Go full steam ahead?
I do acknowledge OSHA position in my presentation, I just do not agree with it. :-)
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
If your audience has not yet made up its mind about your presentation, the OSHA folks could throw a monkey wrench into the works and derail your hoped for outcomes.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
THIS IS JUST MY OPINION but I do not encourage incentives for safety because these are rules/procedures that need to be followed every minute, hour, day, week, etc. and ee's should not be given special consideration for doing what you are paying them to do follow procedures and get the work out.
May sound alittle harsh but there are other benefits and awards to praise outstanding ee's I feel SAFETY is not one of them it is expected.
In answer of your question, do what you feel is in the best interest of your company and your ees, regardless of what OSHA feels, they are the ones who will benefit either way.
1) Why would you consider paying people extra to do what they should do correctly in the first place? By far, it is predominant among safety professionals that this is not done.
2) Why would you have/allow an OSHA employee at your safety meeting? Is this some sort of punitive measure for your company? Never heard of such. It's like inviting the EEOC to attend your supervisory meetings.
Incenting people to perform work safely is like incenting them to get to work on time. The incentive is their paycheck. That's the carrot. The stick is termination for unsafe behaviors. Do yourself a favor and call around and ask 5 or 6 real safety professionals in your area their opinion. Don't go by what you read or what a consultant suggests.
Thanks for the input all........
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
The workers comp insurance companies that I worked with insisted on safety incentives to cut down on work related injuries. I still haven't figured out how a gift certificate, free dinner, whatever will deter someone from doing something stupid.
This is your job. For doing your job you get paid x number of dollars. Included in your job duties are safty rules and regs. Period.
so tell me how many injuries do you have that should have never happened? Caused by brain farts?
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman