exempt employees

Does anyone have any information reguarding the new regulations that would pertain to non-profits? I am looking to see if there is any differences. Being NP we have a few of admin ee's that do not make the $455/wk but would qualify under the other duties. All exempt ee's do not have to clock in/out so reclassing the few back to timecards is hard. Any ideas????


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We are also a non-profit.

    The new regs have very little impact on our positions because we bit the bullet two years ago and reclassified a number of EEs that were treated as exempt but were clearly not.

    We have a sign-in sheet, honor system, that we use for our hourly EEs. I place the burden of verifying time on their direct supervisors. Both sign the time sheet turned into payroll.

    Hope that helps.
  • We have the same issue. There are a few that are clearly exempt by duties, but are a bit off the $455/week. I haven't seen anything that would pertain to us non-profits that would allow us to continue to call these employees non-exempt. Our plans are to just re-classify those few for now and next year if we can manage a decent COLA we will be able to again re-classify them as exempt.
  • FLSA, in the past, has made some exceptions, primarily for munis, but not necessarily for non-profits. I can think of no provision in the old version, or anypart of the new regs that will help you.
  • As far as the regs go, there are no special carve-outs for non-profits. Our industry is just like any other industry and the same rules apply. The big problem that I've seen in NP's is the tendency to use so-called "contractors" who are treated the same as regular employees in regard to duties, work location, even down to a bi-weekly paycheck. I have complained often and loudly about this to no avail because that tendency is pretty much standard operating procedure for all of our competitors and changing our practices would give them an advantage over us.
  • They must get these cock-a-mamie ideas from some national association or something. All the NPs around here are into using 'contractors' where they are clearly employees. I have actually rsigned from a couple of charitable boards when I found they were using contracotrs illegally, and would not listen to reason.
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