Post job credit checks

A colleague told me yesterday, that during an insurance audit (they'd had some embezzlement) the insurance guy told them they should be doing credit/character checks annually on all employees, and terming anyne with problems. Now, mind you I don't have any idea what this 'expert' (the guy from out of town w/o a nickel invested in your operation) had in mind as a definition of 'problem', and I havn't had time to really ruminate on the issue, but I was wondering if anyone is doing this, and if so, how you handle it. I can alsmost see the wisdom for folks directlyinvolved with cash or accounting, almost...but..everyone? I can personally attest to the fact one can be cash poor and painfully honest! And surely, the secretary with a credit problem or the machinist who takes fish out of season isn't a risk to the business? Is it? Even if it is, how do you justify the discharge? I just had never heard of such a concept, and thought it might be good grist for the group to grind up. And if the insurance cos are going to audit all of our personnel policies and reccommedn changes, then we don't need this forum anymore because the ins co will be runing the place, and those buttheads don't listen to anyone or anything but the ka-ching of the premium escalating.
The only thing we check periodically is the driving record of all employees since all of us drive employer vehicles. That's reasonable.
"To obtain a credit report on an employee or prospective employee, the employer must provide a clear and conspicuous written notice that a credit report maybe requested, and obtain written consent from the applicant or employee".
I suggest you do the same for your state and find this type of information real quick. Then follow the law for your state. Unless someone handles money or the direct paperwork pertaining to the flow of money within your operation, I suggest these ees be the one's checked, otherwise, consider their financial affairs to be their private information and stay away from this employer information risk.
May you have a nice day and a Blessed one at that.
I have always had an issue with this because my hubby's ex-wife really ran our credit into the ground and it's taken years to recover. I would have been devestated to lose my job over that.
I think if you're going to do this a firm methodology needs to be in place so that no employee can perceive that the process is discriminatory in anyway.
Sounds like this insurance auditor could easily fit this definition.
I wonder what percentage of working people in the U.S. have credit problems? With the unemployment rates finally improving, there are very few people out there to fill all of the jobs that would become vacant if we took this advice and fired everyone with credit issues.
And credit checks to expose people in finance with issues that may tempt them to criminal things with cash are no substitue for good old fashioned segregation of duties with proper checks and balances. Even very small companies can institute disciplines that will minimize exposure. The credit check can be a valuable tool, but it falls way short of the real things a company should do to protect itself.
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
Marc - thanks for the definition of an auditor, it is absolutely priceless!