Extreme abuse of exempt status

Anyone have problems with exempt employees working as few hours as possible? We currently have one that sometimes only comes in for an hour or two a day, delegates their work to staff, and leaves. The superviser is the kind that won't confront. We do have a policy that states exempt must use sick/annual leave for any time off more than two hours a day. This is being ignored. Sooner or later senior staff will notice and will probably come looking for a solution. Lower-level staff have already come to me with comments.
Anyone had a similar problem like this, or problems with middle management constantly bending rules? Do you say something or turn a blind eye? I am not in a senior position here, just a lowly Generalist. Somehow I think this will end up my problem though.
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Mary Poppins
Anyone had a similar problem like this, or problems with middle management constantly bending rules? Do you say something or turn a blind eye? I am not in a senior position here, just a lowly Generalist. Somehow I think this will end up my problem though.
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Mary Poppins
Our policy for exempt status is that ee have to work at least 1/2 day or else I can deduct from the PTO bank.
Don't let this go further, if it does, morale will probably become poor and that is something you don't want.
Good luck!
You can require exempt to punch a time clock for attendance tracking. Perhaps you should look at some methods for tracking time. Then you would have the ability to charge the leave banks for the time off. Eventually this would have an impact that higher ups would notice, especially when the EE comes looking for vacation time and finds less available than he would like.
Having policies that are not enforced is worse than having no policy.
We have a very lax policy on when exempt staff are here, but we offset that with a very sharp eye on people getting the job done. If the job is not done, then the S_ _ T hits the fan and all bets are off.
I ask, only because I could see a moron getting defensive saying, but the work gets done, I work at home etc. etc. After you answer these questions, observe and document. Then talk to the supervisor. They are not doing their job, so you have two performance issues. Sounds like it is time to have a sit down with some folks reviewing job descriptions and behavior expectations.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
If it is approved time away, the Supervisor will let you know. If not, he might actually start looking for the missing man himself.
Admittedly this approach is a little sneaky, but it will get the needed result without being accusatory and at least plant a seed. If other people have been looking for him too, then it will bring the problem to light.
Just a thought.
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
Mary Poppins