Expansion of vacation
We would like to add a level of vacation time for our employees. After 15 yr service they would be eligible for 4 weeks vacation. However, a couple of years ago we acquired another company and as an gesture of goodwill allowed their employees credit on the number of years they were with their company. So if they had say 6 years employment they would be eligible for 3 weeks vacation rather than 2 weeks (our policy for new employees working 1yr)My thought is that our new policy would be the employee needs to have worked with our company for 15 years to be eligible for the 4 weeks.
I would suggest you continue honoring the service with the acquired company unless there is more to this story than you have described.
It is understandable you may have coverage problems but if you state that only so many ee's can take vacations at the same time and plan them out well in advance that should alleviate some of those issues.
Just my opinion.
Think about buying out the benefits of everyone involved and start a new procedure. Or buy out the benefits of new acquisitions with whom you will be bringing on-board.
When I was in the military we received 30 days a year and could store up to 90 days or loose the days in 30 day chunks, if in a war zone we could store up to 120 days or loose them annually in 30 day or more hunks. When I left the service I cashed in 90 days of vacation leave and went to work in retail and had no vacation for the first year and got two weeks in the 2nd year anniversary. I am 19 years out of the military service and 5 companies later I have finally achieved 2 weeks vacation each year or loose all if not used.
When I reached a level of power within my current company, we ran through a program of buying out the leave days and hours to be lost for everyone every year. It worked and everyone is on a level playing field based on the number of years of service with the company regardless of the which company one was in.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman