Random Drug Testing Question

Our company (non-union with 15 locations in 9 states) currently tests new hires for drugs/alcohol on a post-offer basis and employees for cause. They are wanting to eliminate tests for new hires and institute a random testing program. Anyone out there currently testing randomly - how are you coming up with the selection of random employees to test? Software, someone (a live person) is doing the selecting?? My company is suggesting that I make the selections, which I am extremely uncomfortable with. I feel it represents a huge liability for me personally. I feel that, if challeneged, I would have difficulty proving that my selections were completely random.
Need advice from those of you in the know - Help!
Need advice from those of you in the know - Help!
Had afew make noises about how random it could be but when the President was randomly selected, it quieted down fast.
If you are interested in this company, PM me and I will give you all of the contact information.