Random Criminal Background Checks?

Has anyone ever heard of this being done? My company is obligated by law to do pre-employment Crim Checks for every new employee. We then exceed the law by renewing the Crim Checks every two years. Now one of my Directors is proposing to start renewing randomly, which I think is a very bad idea. I think we should either renew for everyone or renew for no one. What say my esteemed colleagues? Thank you kindly.
Random drug screens are done randomly as a deterrent. People don't hesitate to commit a crime based on some presumption of their being netted in the future by a random criminal check. If you re-run your checks on the basis you say, that would be enough caution that they will red-flag. But again, I don't imagine that anybody reins in criminal behaviors based on the employer finding out. Rather they rein in criminal behavior based on a fear of the cops catching their ass.
Seriously, I've heard of places doing it but what a pain in the patella it must be. Unless your employee population is so out of hand (having a lot of problems with them selling drugs at work, physical violence on the premises, etc.) then I say nay.
Please note, scene slightly embellished for effect.
Good luck.
Hope this is of interest to you, your post is of interest to me, what is the nature of the business that more than one pre-employment criminal record check is recommended?