update on nervous breakdown coming up

Just wanted to update you all on the employee who was so out of control. Even with our best efforts to get her some help she crashed and burned today. She cursed, screamed and cried and was finally suspended by our company president. At that point she yelled "I quit". I just hope this will be the breaking point where she wil finally admit she needs professional help. We have also beefed up security. Wish I could have done more.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • SOME employees are just destined to hang themselves given a short enough rope. Tommorrow will be an easier day for you and your staff. Go home - have a couple cocktails & relax. Good luck.
  • On the other hand, someone in Human Resources could call the employee tomorrow or the day after and once again offer to help. Perhaps the ee will be impacted with the blunt reality of suspension and not know what to do for help. Think how you'll feel if you save her life with a phone call. Perhaps just calling to feel her out. At least she has an opportunity to indicate she wants help and then you can offer it. If not, you've wasted nothing. At least think about it.
  • We have already accepted her "I quit". I did send a fellow employee with her when she left (she was on muscle relaxers and in no condition to drive.) This person has been a friend to her and will try to help. Plus keep me updated on her condition.
  • She was on muscle relaxers and still got that upset? Holy moly...
  • There is probably not more you could have done. Poeple will only get help when they are ready, not when others want them to get it. Regardless of the fact that you accepted her resignation, follow Don's advice. Call her in a day or so, see how she's doing. And remember, we're HR professionals, not miracle workers. As much as we'd like to fix everything for our company and the employees we support, we can't do what we can't do.

    Warm fuzzies now out of the way, good call beefing up security. You just never know.
  • >Poeple will only get help when they are ready,
    >not when others want them to get it.

    And some people will NEVER get help until it's too late. A sad fact of life.

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