How honest would you be?
1,510 Posts
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 04-21-04 AT 02:06PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I received an application from a person that used to work for the same company that I used to work for. I worked in HR at this company so I know the reason he no longer works there (termination due to attendance). Anyway he didn't put this company down on his application but I KNOW he worked there. In addition, this person's father-and mother-in-law work for us and I know that one of them will come in wanting to know if I'm going to hire him. This person has also called regarding his application and all I've said is that I'm currently reviewing the applications.
How honest would you be with this person if they call again? Would you say that you know they falsified their application or make up some other excuse because there is NO WAY I'm going to even interview this person. If I get asked about him from our employees, I will simply tell them that it is confidential so that is not an issue.
One last thing, this person is Native American and the family members that work for us are ones that I have posted about before regarding the "racial discrimination" probems.
Any advice would be appreciated.
How honest would you be with this person if they call again? Would you say that you know they falsified their application or make up some other excuse because there is NO WAY I'm going to even interview this person. If I get asked about him from our employees, I will simply tell them that it is confidential so that is not an issue.
One last thing, this person is Native American and the family members that work for us are ones that I have posted about before regarding the "racial discrimination" probems.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Don hit the nail right on the head. It is what you feel you should do to.......but this is one of those uncomfortable areas............. like Don said, go with your gut.
Tell me, what would you do if you found out that someone falsified their application?
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Regarding the falsification of dates of employment, the area on our application allows for 4 job listings, he only put one so he was left with plenty of room.
Regarding the contacting of the other HR, already done and she called me yesterday to tell me she received an application from the same person and on this application he DID write down that he worked there. Funny, huh?!?
When he calls I'm going to tell him that his application has not been selected for an interview and if he presses the reason, I will explain that he failed to put a previous employer on his application.
Thanks again for all your help.