Resignation, changed mind

What are your thoughts concerning an employee who submits their resignation giving two weeks notice and after the first week states the they wish to stay? Yea or nay?
That being said, if an employee comes to HR before submitting a resignation and explains circumstances (low pay, difficult supervisor, etc.) and requests intervention before a "forced" resignation, or if a move out of town fell through and they are otherwise an excellent employee, that is a different matter.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
On a personal note, I quit a nine years ago--realized I had made an enormous mistake and my supervisor gladly welcomed me back. (Fortunately for me, my resignation was over the Christmas/New Year's holidays and the agency hadn't hired anyone to replace me yet!) And to make the situation all the better for me, they allowed me to keep my seniority date and pay rate. So, sometimes it is win/win to take an employee back--my eleventh service anniversary is in July.
Thanks again.