Jury Duty Benefit Limits?

Our policy pays employees when they are on jury duty, for a maximum of ten days per year. Does everyone place such a limit on the benefit and is ten days pretty standard? Grand jury duty is every Wednesday for three months, for twelve days, and I'm hearing some grumbling.
By the way Creosote, can we expect your demise when the Feds begin to prohibit the use of creosote in the near future, or is that just pressure treated pine?
705 Ill. Comp. stat. S 310/10.1 - thats not realkly an S, its a squiggly thing not on my keyboard.
Every company is different, I was on a jury for 6 weeks and was paid the whole time. I ended up making money because Mass pays $50/day after three days.
We support the community verses supporting the ee, but we do not choose to cause the ee to loose income resulting from a civil duty.
We direct that the ee who chooses to get paid for the time spent on jury duty to provide the appropriate documentation which outlines the exact "jury duty" times dates and so forth. We will allow anyone to use personal time awarded other than "sick time" for the time missed and not judged as "jury duty time"!
Our policy pays employees the entire time they are on jury duty. There is no maximum limit. The employee is required to reimburse us the jury stipend they receive, less travel expenses. They are required to provide us with a written attendance report upon their return to work. The court system personnel in our area are very helpful in providing the necessary documentation.
We have never had an employee serve for more than 3 days.
Years ago when I worked for the federal government, I served on a jury for 3 1/2 months at full pay.