HR/Accounting Job Title

I currently work for a small company and we are continuing to grow, this means that instead of doing Administrative support management, HR and Accounting I am going to be focusing only on Human Resources and accounting. I have been asked to come up with some sort of job title for this position. I have not had much luck, about the only option that has came up is "Business Operations Administrator". My current job title is Office Manager.

Are any of you out there in the same boat with a smaller company, if so any suggestions for a title that might work? I know for sure we don't want Accounting and Human Resources as the job title.

Thanks for your help!


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Business Operations Administrator would work I suppose - it's neat that you have a say in it because you can decide what will make your resume look the best x:D I would let the job description be my guide I suppose. If you're literally doing 50% HR and 50% Accounting, then why not Human Resource and Accounting Manager/Administrator/whatever. If it's more like 70% HR and 30% accounting then I would just stick with an HR title if your goal is to have an HR career. Most people know that a title is just that - a title. However, it never hurts to have the one you want!
  • Cinderella:

    Thanks for the input - yes it will be great to be able to work together on this title and job description. I was told that we want to keep the position as unrestrictive as possible since we are still a small company I will be doing probably 55% Accounting, 40% Human Resources and 5% or more of other Business management related activities. So since the owners do not want to limit my position to only HR and Accounting we have been trying to come up with something a little "broader" than an HR and Accounting Title.
  • HOW ABOUT VICE-PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION, OR compromise to Director of Administration.......I am now being directed to handle everything except accounting. The Office Manager could not lead and caused much consternation and ill-will with our administrative staff, so she was fired as the office manager and successfully landed with only the "accounting function" and no cut in pay. Of course NOT.....why would one ask did the HR get an increase in his/her pay while assuming all of these other areas of concern and three additional people.

  • We used to call multi-jobbers "Sponge". (They absorb whatever work comes their way) I put that on someone's name badge once, and she wore it with pride.

  • HRQ:

    That would be a good one for most people in our company! I will pass that along and perhaps add it to my name plate!

    I think we did decide to just stick with an Accounting/Human Resources title since that will be the main focus of my position.

    Thanks for all your input!
  • KRISTIN: I am Human Resources Director and Senior Accountant. I insisted on 2 job descriptions and convinced management that this would be in their best interest. If I were hit by a truck they would most likely have to hire 2 different people as accounting and HR director functioning often does not go together.

    Future planning is part of both descriptions and this shows future planning for the company. Also, if either workload gets too much to handle (which I suspect if you grow it will) you can opt out of one of the descriptions more easily if they are not so intricately entertwined.

    I would be more than happy to profide both to you if you want. Just email me at [email][/email]

    And our company has 45 employees and 4 locations.

    Best of luck.
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