Porn on employee's computer

Just wondering how other's are handling the situation of finding porn on an employees computer. We do have a policy of not loading or emailing obsence etc. My question is how strict are you in this area i.e written warning, suspension, termination?
Depdning on how much and how clear your "anti porn in the workplace" policy is and what defintive notice he was given (such as signing an acknolwldgement) a first or second level disciplinary measure would probably be sufficient. Of course, how "remorseful" the employee was and his explanation for having it may either exacerbate or mitigate the degree of discipline.
In the scheme of policy violations or inappropriate conduct, I don't see merely having porn on the computer is a very serious activity -- certainly not in comparison to bring a weapon on to company grounds, or falsifying time records, or getting into a fight.
I assume there has been no evidence that the emplyee was actually distributing the porn to co-workers and that the material truly can be classified as porn and not just "racy" material such as "hot babes" in thong bikinis.
What's the logical thing to do? This shouldn't be hard to answer.
Oh, now that is funny! I wish we could do that. x:D
So I guess the point is that you want to be sure that your ee's are really porn surfing and not accidently getting it. Sometimes the files attach even when you're on a legitimate site.
By the way, I recently searched for mapquest. My fourth option was, guessing from the title, a porn sight. I didn't open it (didn't want to have to terminate myself). It then happened to an ee who searching for info on a particular printing machine. Computer geek can't explain it.
There was recent newspaper article-this is probably the #1 source of income for this country. As P.T. Barnum once said "There is a sucker born every minute.":
I would gauge the respons based on whether the porn was soft/hard core, involved children or other illegal aspects, and how frequent the porn was viewed, where (laptop you travel with or desk top), etc.
Response would range from immediate termination to a firm heart to heart talk with written warning and possible accountability software.
Firewalls and filters will help but they don't catch everything.
A better approach is to use software that sends the complete list of websites viewed to a second person for their evaluation. The software "scores" the webpage for potential innappropriate material and highlights pages that may contain porn or other material. Its not a filter. You can access the material but there is no way (that I know of) to get around it.
If you want to know what you are up against, keep in mind that some of the most popular downloaded programs are those that protect the "privacy" of web surfers and hide their trails by eliminating evidence of what sites were visited.
Last thought, its not necessary to destroy the person involved. For some, its an addiction and they need help. Support with firm accountability is often the best response. Studies have shown that about 90% of men have struggled with this area.
>person involved. For some, its an addiction and
>they need help. Support with firm
>accountability is often the best response.
>Studies have shown that about 90% of men have
>struggled with this area.
Paul, I was right with you until the last paragraph. I agree that a common sense approach should be utilized and there are always mitigating circumstances to every event. However, even if your statistic is valid, with an issue like child pornography...again, assuming that the evidence is solid...I can see no recourse other than to terminate employment.
In one of my investigations into internet porn, the first issue I had to clearly determine was whether any of the material involved children.
Personally, I'd like to see anyone who views child porn taken for a long walk in the woods behind my house. But thats just me..
>castigated as a leering, drooling pervert.
>I agree he should not be castigated. However, if he was surfing he should be terminated for violating a company rule using company property.
It may be a woman thing, but at work, we should not be subject to a leering, drooling pervert, what is on their computer or any responses their bodies may be capable of showing.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
I knew I should have stayed out of the forum today.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
Frequency and content should be examined. If it was a one-time occurance, there would be a discussion as to whether or not termination is in order. More than one occurance, then I would terminate immediately. Chances are if it happened once, it probably happened many other times. Only way to find out is LOOK.
digital pictures of him and his girlfriend possibly even taken with the company camera?
As for replies regarding children, I absolutely agree with all your responses, there would have automatically been an investigation and reported to the authorities!
Reminds me of my friend's idiot ex-husband. Her son was at daddy's house for the weekend and took his little throw away camera with him. Mommy picked him up on Sunday. Developed the pictures Monday. Guess what the little boy took pictures of? Marijuana in bags all over the kitchen table. Nice.