Policy covering employees who drive for work

I am updating our policy that applies to employees who drive for work. We have a couple couriers who drive company vehicles and we also have several employees who drive between company locations, some travel and rent cars and almost everyone drives to the Headquarters for meetings and training. Does anyone have a policy they would be willing to share and/or a site you could recommend?? I'm specifically interested in policies that address the frequency of DMV checks and drivers license/proof of insurance verifications.
We have a rating system that awards negative points for motor vehicle violations. Once someone accumalates greater than 12 points, they become non-insurable (insurance edit) and are no longer welcome/permited to drive a company vehicle. In some cases when driving is all that they do, they are offered another position at a reduced rate of pay , but they have a job. Otherwise, they are terminated. Between 10 to 12 points one must have their MVR accomplished every quarter of the year or 4 times a year until the rating gets be low 9 points. It is not at all complicated and easy to spreadsheet and administer the MVR program.
good luck!